Sunday, August 22, 2010

Drinks anyone?

Had an interesting dinner at the RSL in Dandenong last night, mandatory attendance at some distant family member's 50th.

I suspect the bloke on the bar felt he wasn't being monitored too closely for spirits usage, as at one stage the ladies were doing Blue Lagoon cocktails.

Take a nice cocktail glass:

Free-pour it about 2/3rds full of vodka.  Then top up to within about 1cm of the top with blue curacao.  Hit that with about a 1/2 second shot of lemonade off the gun then run a shot of raspberry syrup into it.  Hmm.

Subtracting maybe 50cc for ice, this means a 390ml glass realistically has about 300ml of booze in it, or 10 nips of spirits.  The ladies thought these were GREAT.

Calley then decided she'd rather go back to her standard JD&coke as the Blue Lagoons, while nice, were a wee bit strong.  She also likes these in a tall glass to dilute the Jack Daniels a bit.  One minor problem...

This bloke's idea of a tall JD&coke was a highball with 50% JD, 50% coke.  There was a wee bit of spluttering there for a bit, and I forbade her to help blow out the candles on the cake on OH&S grounds.

Calley had a bit of a sleep in this morning.

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